Crikey has a spy in the inner ranks of the Bracks governamnet who has rated the ministers and Crikey examines another week of dithering in Victoria as Jeff Kennett is let off the hook over that missing portrait.

Minister most complained about by other Ministers Mary Delahunty
Ministers office and staff most complained about Mary Delahunty
Most liked Minister Justin Madden
Minister who is the most ‘absent’ and unavailabe Candy Broad
Most entertaining Minister Rob Hulls
Most secretive Minister John Brumby
Minister with the most confused staff Lynne Kosky
Minister with the most respected staff John Thwaites
Most respected Ministers John Thwaites and Justin Madden
Minster most likely to get rolled in a reshuffle Mary Delahunty
Minster who works too hard Christine Campbell
Most helpful Minister Peter Batchelor
Most uninteresting Minister Andre Haermeyer
Minister who complains the most John Pandazopoulos
Minister most likely to leave a function first Bob Cameron
Minister with the best potential Sheryl Garbutt
Minister who needs to get tougher Monica Gould
Minister who needs a lift in profile Keith Hamilton/Marsha Thompson (who ?)