Today’s Bulletin front page special investigation “Flying High”
which hangs its hat on claims by sacked and disgraced Carlton player
Laurence Angwin, alleging the AFL has a serious problem with
recreational drug taking, has certainly done its job.

Not so much in lifting the lid on rampant AFL drug taking as a proven
fact, but in giving credibility and launching a publicity blitz to
extravagant claims from the previously, reliably disreputable Angwin,
with his “I was there” basis to hang its hat on a story it obviously
saw as a good way to sell magazines. Drugs in sport, is now a
media hot spot coming as it does straight off the top of the still out
of control AFL caffeine debate. Be that as it may, while Bulletin
editor Garry Linnell is only doing his job as any good editor looks to
do in selling magazines with an attention grabbing story, Angwin has
served up a few highly provocative allegations that can’t be just
brushed aside.

The full story is on the site here.