The extraordinary worldwide outpouring of sympathy for Kylie Minogue’s health is only to be expected from a dedicated fan base. Particularly striking is the media reaction in the UK, which leaves no-one in Australia in any doubt that the iconic Kylie really is the UK’s own adopted “pop princess.”

But it seems incomprehensible that her Australian tour promoter Frontier Touring can even begin to hold out some hope for fans by urging them to hang on to their “postponed” tour tickets because their mere possession makes them “hot”. The fact is, she’s going to be months in rehab and recovery. Any prospect for her to return to the grind of touring – if at all – is now way off, or should be. So there ‘ absolutely no reason why the “punters” should continue to have an expectation the tour is to be rescheduled, when cancellation is surely already a fact of life.