How does The Sydney Morning Herald allocate
reporters to various rounds?

The environment is a touchy-feely area – so
you’d think editors would be keen to avoid any suggestion of conflict of
interest. Yet the Herald recently ran a story “Greenpeace calls for ‘dirty’
power levy

by a “former Greenpeace employee” Jano Gibson. Yes, the disclosure’s there –
but things look a bit cosy.

Then there’s this email circular:

The Sydney
Metropolitan CMA and the Nature Conservation Council of NSW are presenting a
media training workshop for environmental community groups who want to improve
their capacity to promote local issues and reach a wider audience.

Venue: Upstairs
Room, Newtown Neighbourhood Centre,

Newtown Town Hall ,

1 Brentford Street , Newtown

Date: Saturday
May 28

Cost: $20.00

Time: 9:00am-2:30pm

Receive hands-on
media training in communicating your message through radio, TV and print,
writing media releases and speaking to journalists.


Cate Faehrmann,
NCC Campaigns Director

Wendy Frew,
Sydney Morning Herald Environment reporter

Pepe Clarke,
Environmental Defender’s Office

Bookings are
essential. Please contact Craig Morrison to register on (02) 9279 2466 or

Pardon the pun, but is this a case of not
being able to see the wood for the trees?