A picture says a thousand words – and this Khemlani kandid from yesterday’s Courier-Mail on his Miss World duties is a beauty (geddit?!?).

Still, we can’t help adding a few words of our own: “Khemlani kraves
kute kans for kontest” or “Khemlani kraves kute kontest kandy”.

“Mr Johnson has spent the past three days judging Queensland Miss World
at the Sofitel in Brisbane, where nine young women paraded before the
MP in bikinis and formal attire,” the Courier-Mail reports.

“The MP is so enthusiastic about the contest he is hoping to set up a
meeting between the next Miss Australia – to be crowned in September –
and Prime Minister John Howard.”

Er… yes. We know what the PM has had to say about some past Khemlani Kapers. Presumably his response this time will be similar.