The non-stop saga surrounding Peter Costello’s timetable for a take over of The Lodge and Kirribilli House is missing one important point – and her name is Janette. John Howard’s wife has the hardest nose in Australian politics and she is the absolute power behind his throne.

Janette Howard has a mission is life – ask any one of the hapless ministers or senior public servants who enter her orbit – which is to oversee government policy, protect Howard even from himself, making sure republicans never get the upper hand, and of course, accompany him on his overseas jaunts, especially when London is on the itinerary. She’s far too busy behind the local scene here to display a public persona.

She must cringe at being referred to as Hyacinth Bucket, although the description, up to a point, is apt. Meanwhile, she sees herself more in the mould of To the Manor Born’s star, Audrey Forbes Hamilton. She decided Kirribilli House was to be the residence of her “first family” despite the hundreds of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars it cost to bring it up to her standards.

The political couple are usurping the traditional role of the viceroy and vicereine – and the current holders of the vice-regal office know which side of the bread their butter is on. Just what do the Jefferys do? While Janette Howard is in the picture, Peter Costello won’t be – and some people wonder at John Howard’s smugness.