nThere has been an interesting response to the contest being held by the Crikey and Glug websites on this Saturday’s Queensland State Election. More than 150 people have taken the time to put a figure between 0 and 100 in all 89 squares of the simulated ballot paper to indicate their assessment of Labor winning each seat.

Add up the individual predictions of the contest entrants and the predicted final result has Labor winning 57 seats.

Being a foolhardy fellow I have put my own assessment alongside that of the contestants in the table that you will find on the Crikey website. I am slightly more optimistic about Labor and have the Government being returned with a best guess of 59 seats. Three weeks ago my prediction was Labor to win 53 seats.

Bookmaker Centrebet, which actually puts its money where its opinion is, has 55 seats for Labor as the favoured number.

Entries close at midnight tonight and in the meantime you can enter here. The winner will receive the Crikey title of Australia’s Champion Psephologist and $250 worth of wine to get the bragging started.