September 11, five years ago. A massive escalation of the war on civilisation being conducted by the Islamist fascists.

Henry’s own Sir Wellington Boot has been following events closely. Yesterday he wrote: “Henry … it appears that the ‘War with Iran’ option is so real that sensible Americans in the State Department managed to get former President Khatami into the USA so he could talk to senior non-crazies in the Bush Administration. The Iranian crazies were obviously so worried that they allowed their most sensible and modern minded politician to go and do his best in the lair of the Great Satan.”

He also announces the widely predicted breakup of Iraq, and suggests Saudi Arabia should be next. “Next case? Saudi Arabia. Replace the criminally incompetent Sauds with the modernising Hashemites in Jordan (…the choice of Lawrence of Arabia in the 1920s). The Hashemites will deal a final solution to the fascist Wahhabi fanatics (after sundown); the ‘Kingdom’ will be reformed and modernised; the Sunni Muslims will, at last, have some sensible leadership to parlay with the Shia as the latter rise to their proper place in the balance of affairs in the middle east. There is every argument for ditching the Sauds and installing the Hashemites; there is NO argument for keeping these useless and criminal troublemakers in control of the Arabian oil fields, even though they are in oil production decline.”

Clearly the pace of events is accelerating. We shall try to keep up.

While the price of oil has been declining, we cannot depend on this trend. Any escalation of violence in the Middle East will disrupt oil supplies and disturb normal life in the west. This is part of the price we must pay for fighting for Western Civilisation.

What do the great unwashed think of the war on terrorism five years after September 11? Now, eight in ten Americans say the attacks changed their personal outlook in a lasting way – for most of them, in a greater sense of insecurity and risk. However, only 38% say the US Government is doing all it can to prevent further terrorist attacks in this country. Also, only 52% say the war on terrorism is going well, down from 88% during the winter after September 11. On the question of safety, 55% of Americans say the country is safer now than it was before 9/11. Although this is down slightly since it peaked at 67%, it still represents the majority and for President Bush’s pet subject, it is a crucial finding.

Read more at Henry Thornton.