It is good to see state and territory governments learning from each other.

The South Australian government is currently going through the difficult job of reducing the number of schools to fit the reducing number of students available to fill them. For politicians this is a terrible task. When you take things away from people they hate you and might end up voting against you. As a breed, MPs much prefer giving.

The Government of the Australian Capital Territory went through the same process of school closures earlier this year with the rage being immense both in the broader community and the Labor Party. The ACT response naturally made the SA Labor Government wary and the search began for an alternative way.

That way is to hide the school closures behind building new super schools with all the mod cons that public-private partnerships can bring. Get rid of all those old dilapidated buildings in every suburb and give the kiddies the very best of everything in a bright and sparkling and beautifully maintained environment in a few central locations.

So far the ruse is working but the builders had better get going in a hurry. The Government needs the changes well and truly finished before the next election. When parents realise how much further they will have to drive little Johnny and Jane every morning their anger will mount, just as in Canberra.