Richard Foxworthy writes: This weekend I found in my credit card statement a charge for $35 for going over-limit – on a card that has an automatic monthly repayment set up to clear the card back to zero every month. It transpired that we managed to nudge over our card limit at Christmas, were charged the over-limit fee, and then the card was automatically paid off in full seven days later. I called the bank (Westpac) to complain and was prepared to have an argument about getting that overlimit penalty fee refunded. The phone operator put me through to her supervisor, who immediately and courteously refunded the charge on the spot. Nice one. Next step is to get Westpac to change their policy about applying such charges in those situations in the first place.

Amy Wise writes: I just wanted to let you know that after reading your story on whether certain bank fees are legal, I was incensed enough to check whether I had been charged any dodgy fees.  I discovered a $35 fee for going over my credit card limit while overseas, so I quickly shot off a hotly-worded email to the ANZ.  I was stunned to receive a phone call today from the ANZ, telling me that in response to my email this fee would be waived, and I would receive confirmation on my next statement. So, well done Crikey for calling attention to these dubious practices and encouraging readers to call their bluff.

CRIKEY: If you have had a similiar experience of bank forgiveness, let us know. Perhaps you have a fee on your latest statement that you’d like to query with your bank today? We’d be keen to hear the result. Drop us a line either way: