The Qantas mile-high-service-with-a-smile saga thickens. Crikey can now reveal that, as well as attending to her duties at the pointy end of various Qantas 747s, stewardess Lisa Robertson was simultaneously employed by a leading Sydney brothel.

Crikey understands that Robertson, the stewardess at the centre of the Ralph Fiennes toilet s-x scandal, worked through her Sydney layovers at the high-class establishment under the appropriate pseudonym of “Skye”. She was seeing customers right up until the Fiennes encounter hit the headlines.

Crikey understands that Robertson left the brothel shortly after receiving a large payday for selling her story to UK tabloid  The Mail on Sunday .

Another UK Sunday tabloid, The News of the World, and Sydney’s Sun-Herald have both been hot on the heels of the brothel story for the past two weeks, but have held off publication.

Robertson was happy to disclose all the details of her encounter with Fiennes, plump plums and all, to 60 Minutes  in late February: 

LISA ROBERTSON: We actually talked. He was very interested in me, and I was very interested in him. We were, like, drawn. Every moment, every time I would walk past, every opportunity he had, he would want to talk to me. I said to him: “You know, I love that part in the movie when you say ‘it’s a very plump plum’.” And he was so amazed that I remembered that line. And I said: “Can you say it for me?” And he sort of got himself into character and he said it really slowly — “It’s a very plump plum.” And then I said: “Can you say it one more time?” It was hilarious….

She also elaborated on the finer details of her brush with Hollywood:

PETER OVERTON: The practicalities of having s-x in an airplane toilet — a lot of people are wondering how that’s even possible.

LISA ROBERTSON: I know it is, um …

PETER OVERTON: They are not that big.

LISA ROBERTSON: Anything’s possible. I’m quite flexible — I’m sorry, I’m trying to be funny. No, yeah, it is hard, you know, but, yeah. I was just on the sink — arms, legs everywhere, you know.

Robertson also delved into her back story, sharing tales (and photos) of her days as a NSW police officer.

There are many strings to Robertson’s bow (former scuba instructor/triathlete/undercover cop), but she did omit one minor detail: Crikey understands that 60 Minutes put the brothel question to her, but didn’t screen the reply.

After actively selling her story to the highest bidder ( The Mail on Sunday paid approximately $100,000 and 60 Minutes reportedly paid around $50-60,000), the bankrupt and fired stewardess has now gone into hiding, changing her phone numbers and hanging up on journalists.

Ralph Fiennes was not available for comment.