Last week it was WA CFMEU assistant secretary Joe McDonald. Who will be the next union heavy to get caught on candid camera?

Crikey hears of an interesting mobile phone camera job that has appeared in far north Queensland, supposedly taken at the nickel refinery outside Townsville. It reportedly features two union delegates having a go at a management type and two Aboriginal workers, and dialogue along the lines of “Why don’t you f-ck off with your little black c-nt mates and keep your nose out of things”.

The owner of the phone is hoping – for his own safety’s sake – that it doesn’t get too widely circulated.

However, Crikey understands that the bosses’ unions would love to see it. In fact, they hope that there’s more where it came from.

Crikey understands that ACCI and the BCA are looking at setting up a website video and audio of aggressive, threatening, bullying or abusive union officials and delegates in action can be uploaded to, along with copies of similarly-toned correspondence.

Crikey hears of other videos from WA that would provide good content.

No doubt the government will be delighted should this material stray into the public domain.