Don’t give up the day job? Maxine McKew isn’t hedging her bets with this website, is she?

The plod and the Queensland Libs. It’s not just the slow progress of the printergate investigations that have got up the noses of Queensland Liberals. Crikey also hears that they’ve got sniffy about the conduct of the investigations themselves, with allegations of conflicts of interest, intimidation of witnesses, bullying and illegal recordings of phone calls made by an MP to the Ombudsman, who may well be about to launch an investigation.

Your rights at work – but not at the Suncorp Stadium. Crikey hears that a group of league fans wanting to attend Friday night’s match between the Brisbane Broncos and the Gold Coast Titans at Suncorp Stadium have been told they couldn’t wear their Your Rights At Work shirts at the arena. What might happen if the Canberra Raiders – major sponsors the CFMEU – played there?

Gallery dress up. The following notice was sent to White House reporters earlier this week:

As we move back to the West Wing, this reminder:

Professional attire is required for all media covering presidential photo opportunities/events in the West Wing (Oval Office, Cabinet Room, Roosevelt Room and other pooled events with the POTUS)

  • No beach attire or flip flops
  • No shorts
  • No torn, frayed, or soiled clothing
  • No collarless t-shirts. Neat, long sleeved shirts or collared golf shirts (business casual) is advisable.

The White House has asked that we remind all news organizations of this policy. And again, this is for POOLED EVENTS in the West Wing!

The attendants in our own parliament get quite stroppy if you try to sit in the Gallery wearing anything less than a jacket and tie – although Matt Price and Malcolm Farr like pushing the boundaries.

Hockey stick. Poor old Joe. We think he’s doing a much better job in the Workplace Relations portfolio than that eerie figure Kevin Andrews:

Mad Mullahs. Some people, it seems, haven’t been the same since Ian Paisley got into bed with Martin Guinness and are lashing out. This appeared in The Australian yesterday: