Earth underwhelmed by environment pop extravaganza: They rocked the world, but as the clean-up at nine climate change gigs around the globe begins, many wonder if the galaxy of pop stars did much to change it. U.S. and British media were generally underwhelmed on Sunday by Live Earth, the mega-concert organized by former U.S. vice president and green campaigner Al Gore, which, though built on the model of Live Aid and Live 8, created a less positive buzz. China Daily

Can air travel ever be green?: The airline industry seems to be finally confronting its impact on climate change. In the past few weeks, we have seen an outbreak of announcements about greener planes and carbon neutral flights. Boeing has unveiled its Dreamliner jet, a plastic “green” jet built to use up to 20 per cent less fuel while pumping out fewer greenhouse gases. Airbus has announced its A380 which burns less fuel produces less carbon dioxide per passenger/kilometre. But can air travel ever really be green? SMH 

Finland’s nuclear plans lure political visitors: The road to this island on Finland’s western coast winds through pristine fields and forests, an idyllic place for a cottage by the shore — if you ignore the heavy-duty power lines overhead. The nuclear plant they lead to is at the frontier of European efforts to fight climate change while also meeting demand from Finland’s energy-hungry industry. Washington Post

Super-rich fight Mother Nature and angry locals to save clifftop homes: Nantucket is classic New England: sailing ships, cobblestone streets, grey shingle cottages with white trim, clam chowder competitions – and class warfare. The latest outbreak is over a proposal by the island’s super-rich residents to try to hold back the Atlantic which threatens to send their coastline mansions toppling. A group of hyper-wealthy residents in one of the most exclusive corners of the island, the village of Siasconset, called locally Sconset, have embarked on a project to slow erosion by pumping sand from the ocean bed to extend the beach below their homes. On an island where money is not a problem, they are not seeking state or federal help but putting up the cash themselves, $25m (£12.5m). Guardian