Tim Dunlop, the News Limited blogger who had a post on the Dennis Shanahan v. the Bloggers affair pulled last week, is staying tight-lipped about his dealings with News Limited management, while others in the Blogosphere are calling on him to resign and “tell all” – if there is an all.

Dunlop told Crikey last night that he hoped to post an item this morning on his blog about what happened last week when this post was pulled by management.
Dunlop had nothing to say in reply to questions such as “Will you still be blogging for News Limited?” and “Have you discovered the limits of News Limited tolerance?”

This morning there was no post from Dunlop on the affair, although he is blogging on other matters. He told Crikey he expected to talk to the editor of news.com.au later today, and to watch the Blogocracy space.

Meanwhile The Australian continues to be sensitive. Scroll half way down the comments on this Pollbludger post to see the response from The Australian’s Sid Marris to some Blogosphere satire on the affair.

The irony in this whole matter is that if The Oz had simply shut up and let the blogosphere commentariat be, nobody would be talking about them now. As it is The Australian seems to have confirmed and increased the impact of political blogging, even in the act of dismissing it as the work of self-appointed amateurs.