Tomorrow is a very special day, the PM’s 68th birthday. So, happy birthday Mr Prime Minister! We asked around for some gift ideas … what do you give the man who can apply the corporations power to everything?

Kerri-Anne Kennerley: What would I give him? Some new music. Nothing keeps you more relevant than fabulous, soulful, fresh music.

Peter Costello: ”I don’t think we’ll comment on that mate.”

Tim Flannery: Happy birthday wishes. I think he should enjoy his birthday. He’s probably got everything he’d need. If I could afford it I’d buy him some carbon offsets for his travel.

Michael Leunig: A summons – definitely, for crimes against humanity in Iraq.

Kevin Rudd: No response from the opposition leader’s office.

Laurie Oakes: I really haven’t thought about it.

David Marr: A smart new velour tracksuit. Navy I think.

Gerard Henderson: I don’t get into gimmicks. I’ve just written a column decrying trivia, so I must decline. Respectfully.

Andrew Bolt: No. I’m not having anything to do with Crikey.

Noel Crichton-Browne: What’s he need? What would his wife give him? No … I can’t think.

Shane Maloney: Cholera.

Clive Hamilton: A copy of On War by Karl von Clauswitz. It might help him find the strategy insights he’s not getting from his focus groups.

John Clarke: It’s his birthday tomorrow? 68? Who knew?

What would you give John Howard tomorrow for his 68th birthday? Join the Crikey gift register! Send your suggestion to with ”howard gift” in the subject field.

The best 12 entries as judged by our expert panel will each receive a copy of The Crikey Guide to the 2007 Election, out now through Penguin.