Who will be the editor of the WSJ? Smart money says the field is down to two candidates: Robert Thomson of The Times and Chris Mitchell of The Australian. Interesting that Rupert does not appear to be considering a local for the job, but two Australians. Charity begins at home. I’ve attached an email sent from our division manager. I work for ANZ — until my job goes offshore to Bangalore in a few months — as if that’s not enough, now they want us to support Bangalore charities.

Original Message—– From: XXXX
Sent: Tuesday, 31 July 2007 3:55 PM
To: “All Users 570 Church Street”
Subject: Parikrma School Visit – CASUAL DAY
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Personal

Dress in casual this Friday 3 August, bring a gold coin and wear a touch of colour to help support the Parikrma School in Bangalore. As many of you already know, I will be visiting our colleagues in Bangalore next week. As part of my visit, I will be returning to Parikrma School, which is part of the not-for-profit Parikrma Humanity Foundation, and aims to break the cycle of poverty for the poorest of the poor in India through education. On my last visit in March, I was touched by the warmth and enthusiasm of the wonderful children and staff at Parikrma. By donating a gold coin this Friday, you will help raise money for the school and for the children. As it is monsoon season at the moment, the children are most in need of jumpers to brave the morning chill, and the school is always looking for books for its library — so your gold coin will go a long way. As with my visit to Parikrma in March, I’ll be presenting a cheque to the school on behalf of you all, and will share news with you from my visit to Bangalore on my return. To find out more about Parikrma School, visit: https://www.parikrmafoundation.org/ (internet access required). A story and photo from our March visit also featured in the June edition of World.

Conflict of interest. I believe there is a conflict of interest that needs to be investigated: Terry Mackenroth, former deputy premier and treasurer of Qld and member of the committee formed to design the South East Queensland Regional Plan and the South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan, resigns from parliament and joins the board of Devine Limited, one of the largest developers in SE Qld, as a Director. Mr Mackenroth is still a Director of Devine Limited and then is appointed to the Independent Reform Commission to advise the government on the amalgamation of Qld local councils. Noosa Shire had 31,000 submissions to this commission out of 47,000 that were received, objecting to Noosa amalgamating with other councils. It has now been confirmed that Noosa will amalgamate with Maroochy and Caloundra Councils. Send your tips to boss@crikey.com.au or submit them anonymously here.