Braddon seems set to become the Lourdes of the Southern Hemisphere as the lame, the ill and those possessed by demons flock to the Mersey Hospital in search of a miracle.

But if you’re going to be sick, don’t be sick in a safe seat. Crikey reported last week on a story from April, when a dying cancer patient spent eight hours in emergency at Royal North Shore Hospital at St Leonards — virtually slap bang in the middle of Joe Hockey’s safe seat of North Sydney — before being allocated a bed.

There’s more in the Manly Daily today.

It tells of two cancer patients, one who endured an eight and half hour wait for a bed shortly before dying and another who collapsed following radiation treatment for brain tumours, spent six hours in emergency before being transferred to the Mona Vale hospital, in another safe Liberal seat, Bronwyn Bishop’s Mackellar, and then died shortly after.

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