How green is Obama? Does the frontrunner have what it takes to tackle the climate crisis and lead America to a cleaner, brighter energy future? To find some answers, I reached Obama by phone in his office in Washington, D.C., between Senate votes. — Grist

Vegans get picky. A recent survey found vegans prefer partners who steer clear of meat or any animal products, vastly cutting the number of potential dates.The New Zealand Herald

Fish anti-freeze to protect planes. Aeroplanes of the future could be protected from the cold by an anti-freeze paint that takes its inspiration from the Arctic fish proteins. The protein-based coatings would prevent ice from forming on the wings of aircraft… Antifreeze proteins found in plants, fish and insects, have already been synthesised in the lab, and used to prevent foods from being damaged by icing up in the refrigerator. — New Scientist

Carbon neutral TV. The seventh season of “24” will take steps to reduce and offset the carbon emissions from the show’s production, with the goal of having the season finale be entirely carbon-neutral. — The Washington Post

India’s tiger population halved. India’s tigers are facing their severest crisis, with only between 1,300 and 1,500 left in the wild, less than half the population previously estimated, conservationists said yesterday. — The Guardian