So how good are the experts? SE Hendriksen of the Greenland Art Review adds his two cents, writing to Crikey from Kangerlussuaq, Greenland.


  1. Above is the famous self portrait by van Gogh, 1888, VGM Amsterdam.
  2. The internal experts never discovered that van Gogh represented himself as a left handed painter. He did it on the 1886 and 1889 self portrait too.
  3. On men’s clothing the buttons is always fixed (stitch) to the right side, woman’s dress fixed on the left side.
  4. The button fixed to the right and he holds his palette with his right hand.
  5. I assume he painted with his left hand.
  6. Despite the physical and visual facts, the experts at the Van Gogh Museum claim he was a right-handed painter and they claim the portrait was reflected from a mirror down to the slightest detail. If that is the case the button had to be fixed on the left side (like a woman’s dress).
  7. Conclusion: Because the experts in Holland always have the last word, Vincent van Gogh was a right-handed painter wearing woman’s dress or…?

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