It’s Friday people, and you know what that means:

6.5% : the new figure for interest rates released by the RBA on Wednesday.

4.3 billion: the number of page views MySpace had in one day. There were 7.3 billion ad impressions.

3%: the annual rise in profits reported by Telstra. On the same day Chief Executive Sol Trujillo was given a 30% pay rise.

$46,000: the maximum amount school leavers can earn if they take up a job with the ADF in their gap year.

$7: the cost of a Kevin07 t-shirt.

98.7%: the portion of votes for industrial action in a secret ballot put to Victoria Police. Of 11 000 police officers, over 8 500 participated in the vote.

16: the age of a French Harry Potter fan who was arrested for allegedly posting a home-made translation of the all 784 pages of the seventh Harry Potter book online.

28: the age of average first-time brides, according to a report by the ABS.

21,800: the number of jobs added to the labour market in July, a report released by the ABS claims.

7.3:  what an earthquake in Indonesia rated on the Richter scale early on Thursday.