Controversial public servant Barbara Bennett, of WorkChoices ads fame, sought assurances from opposition industrial relations spokesperson, Julia Gillard, before undertaking the television commercial assignment.

Ms Bennett, head of the Workplace Authority, called Ms Gillard before the first ads went to air, presumably to check on her credentials in the case of a change of government. Ms Gillard was diplomatic and non-committal (but at that stage had not seen the ads).

Since the ads went to air, Ms Bennett has called Gillard’s office several times, but her calls have not been returned.

Ms Bennett, who has a habit of talking loudly in public places, has told friends that she had a lawyer check over her contract before she agreed to take the post, which is interesting in the light of what the commercials are saying.

Friends say she has boasted of being on a “one million dollar contract” which, if true, just might make her the most expensive public servant in the land.