Politicians normally run a mile when they hear the words “Child Support Agency”.

In the face of persistent poor polling, however, the Liberal Party seems to be trying a new approach.

CSA “clients” – to use a nicely bureaucratic euphemism (think Morton’s Fork, folks) – are receiving a letter from the Agency that demonstrates the desperation of the Government and its willingness to manipulate the public service in its scramble for votes.  

They’re being invited to an information session to show the cuddly side of the Agency.

But the top billing doesn’t go to the CSA. It goes to Liberal MPs. But not necessarily local Liberal MPs.

Crikey has obtained an example from Victoria. The CSA session features the hapless Tourism Minister Fran Bailey.

But she isn’t the recipient’s MP. The recipient lives in a Labor seat. Bailey is the Member for the neighbouring electorate of McEwen. All they share is 10 kilometre border.

The CSA is a contentious agency, to say the least.

But an explanation of its operations is being used as an opportunity to promote a Minister; a Minister in a 6.4% seat where the Government has got the jitters – and where the ALP has announced it will now tip an additional $100,000 into the campaign.

Bailey has no responsibility for the CSA. What value will she be able to add to the evening?

And what about the privacy implications? Have the details of CSA “clients” been passed onto Coalition MPs and Senators so they can whack them in the Feedback direct mail databases in their offices?

This can’t be the only meeting of its kind going on around the nation. How many more are there?

If you’ve received an invitation, drop us a line to boss@crikey.com.au with details of who the special guests are and which seat you live in.