You’ve all seen yesterday’s Galaxy Poll, with its 57/43 two party preferred voted split Labor’s way – but what would a result like this actually mean for the Government?

Bryan Palmer’s Oz Politics site has an answer. His exquisitely cute election calculator tool lets you feed in poll results and get seat by seats results.

At the moment, the Coalition holds 87 of the 150 seats in the House of Representatives.

Put the Galaxy figures into Palmer’s election calculator… and they’re left with 43.

Some very high profile people would be out of a job, starting with John Howard.

That wouldn’t be any comfort for Peter Costello. He’d be out on his arse too. Tony Abbott and Brendan Nelson would fight it out for the job of opposition leader.

Here’s the Great Coalition Death List – the August Galaxy edition –with Palmer’s projected new margins:

Bass Tas (7.11%) Bye, bye Michael Ferguson
Bennelong NSW (5.61%) Bye, bye John Howard
Blair Qld (4.05%) Bye, bye Cameron Thompson
Bonner Qld (9.23%) Bye, bye Ross Vasta
Boothby SA (4.37%) Bye, bye Andrew Southcott
Bowman Qld (0.84%) Bye, bye Andrew Laming
Braddon Tas (8.61%) Bye, bye Mark Baker
Canning WA (0.2%) Bye, bye Don Randall
Corangamite Vic (4.42%) Stewart McArthur
Cowper NSW (2.99%) Bye, bye Luke Hartsuyker
Deakin Vic (4.77%) Bye, bye Phil Barresi
Dickson Qld (0.85%) Bye, bye Peter Dutton
Dobell NSW (4.9%) Bye, bye Ken Ticehurst
Dunkley Vic (0.36%) Bye, bye Bruce Billson
Eden-Monaro NSW (6.47%) Bye, bye Gary Nairn
Flynn Qld (2.02%) No new seat for the Nationals
Gilmore NSW (0.33%) Bye, bye Jo Gash
Gippsland Vic (2.04%) Bye, bye Peter McGauran
Hasluck WA (7.92%) Bye, bye Stuart Henry
Herbert Qld (3.5%) Bye, bye Peter Lindsay
Higgins Vic (0.98%) Bye, bye Peter Costello
Hinkler Qld (1.4%) Bye, bye Paul Neville
Hughes NSW (1.19%) Bye, bye Dana vale
Kalgoorlie WA (3.44%) Bye, bye Barry Haase
Kingston SA (9.67%) Bye, bye Kym Richardson
Kooyong Vic (0.16%) Bye, bye Petro Georgiou
La Trobe Vic (3.91%) Bye, bye Jason Wood
Lindsay NSW (6.82%) No seat for you Karen Chijoff
Longman Qld (2.99%) Bye, bye Mal Brough
Makin SA (8.81%) No seat for you Bob day
McEwen Vic (3.32%) Bye, bye Fran Bailey
McMillan Vic (4.75%) Bye, bye Russell Broadbent
Moreton Qld (6.91%) Bye, bye Gary Hardgrave
Page NSW (4.28%) Bye, bye Ian Causley
Paterson NSW (3.42%) Bye, bye Bob Baldwin
Petrie Qld (2.29%) Bye, bye Teresa Gambaro
Robertson NSW (2.87%) Bye, bye Jim Lloyd
Solomon NT (6.93%) Bye, bye Dave Tollner
Stirling WA (7.7%) Bye, bye Michael Keenan
Sturt SA (2.94%) Bye, bye Chris Pyne
Wakefield SA (9.07%) David Fawcett
Wentworth NSW (7.23%) Bye, bye Malcolm Turnbull