The Ten Best Environment Websites in the World. The criteria was strict and the decision was difficult to make but here they are, the ten best environment websites in the world. – See the list at Green Business.

Crushed Glass to Be Spread on Beaches. Picture a beautiful beach spanning miles of coastline, gently lapped by aqua-colored water—and sprinkled with glass. Ouch? Think again. It feels just like sand, but with granules that sparkle in the sunlight. Faced with the constant erosion of Florida’s beaches, Broward County officials are exploring using recycled glass—crushed into tiny grains and mixed with regular sand—to help fill gaps. – Associated Press

Will oceans surge 59 centimetres this century – or 25 metres? When Al Gore predicted that climate change could lead to a 20-foot rise in sea levels, critics called him alarmist. After all, the International Panel on Climate Change, which receives input from top scientists, estimates surges of only 18 to 59 centimetres in the next century. But a study led by James Hansen, the head of the climate science program at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies…suggests that current estimates for how high the seas could rise are way off the mark – and that in the next 100 years melting ice could sink cities in the United States to Bangladesh. — Zoe Corimer, globeandmail

The 10 Fastest Green Cars on the Planet. Among old-school gearheads, conventional wisdom is that gasoline is where the fun is, was and always will be (until the pumps run dry). Alternative-fuel automobiles — hybrids, diesels, electrics and the like — are dorky, cumbersome and slow. But a growing body of evidence suggests environmental consciousness doesn’t have to mean boring. To wit: 10 cars — funky, fun and each the fastest for its power source, from an American-built ethanol-fueled roadster that runs like the wind, to a three-seat urban buggy from France that runs on the wind. – Matthew Phenix, Wired

Urban Ecological Subversion. Guerilla gardening – the act of seeding useful plants in public spaces – is a kind of graffiti or vandalism, just done with plants instead of spray cans. However, the kind of guerilla marketing addressed here, though illegal, rarely gets people into trouble. Other higher-profile types such as moss graffiti and mayday actions have caused conflicts with the law. – Web Urbanist

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