Nothing like a good scare campaign. If there is one thing more ridiculous than John Howard’s promise to hold local referendums before a nuclear power station is built in your backyard, it is the campaign Labor is running to suggest that John Howard has plans to build 25 of the things up and down the east coast of Australia. In the foreseeable future there will be no nuclear power stations in Australia built by, or with the approval of, any Australian Government. Labor well knows it but the party is also aware that there is considerable public disquiet about the whole nuclear issue. Pretending that an evil Johnny Howard is planning to put us all at risk of a Chernobyl explosion just happens to be a wonderful way of disguising the hypocrisy involved in supporting the export of uranium so others can build whatever they want to. Labor last week launched a television commercial focusing on claims the Howard government plans to build more than 25 nuclear power plants across Australia by 2020. The TV campaign began in rural Queensland and Brisbane and will later spread to other centres across Australia. The campaign highlights John Howard’s claim that a nuclear reactors are a solution to Climate Change.

A real gravy train. It is official. John Howard really does have a gravy train. It’s called the Ghan. Visiting Darwin yesterday the Prime Minister promised additional funding to allow pensioners and veterans to access concessional fares on the Alice Springs to Darwin section of world famous railway. “This initiative will make travel on the Ghan more affordable for about 10,000 pensioners and veterans”, said Mr Howard. “It will provide around $1.5 million of additional concessions for travel each year. Through initiatives such as the Seniors Concession Allowance and the Utilities Allowance, the Australian Government is helping senior Australians with concessions.” And who can we thank for this largesse extended with the money of taxpayers? Why, the Country Liberal Party member for Solomon David Tollner MP. It was, explained the PM, his advocacy on behalf of the people of the Northern Territory that played a large part in delivering this initiative. Solomon is held by the Coalition Government with a majority of 2.9% – the 12th most marginal seat in the country. You can keep track of the Prime Ministerial spending promises as he travels from marginal seat to marginal seat at the Grass Roots Gravy Train on the Crikey election website.