Well I’ve written this article before, but since the major meeja keep writing the same story that this article is about, why not dust it off again.

The lead article in today’s Oz has “news” that the ALP has a “crushing” 59-41 2PP lead on the Coalition — the same lead they had months ago, and the same lead they’ve had (once the 3% error bars are factored in) pretty much consistently since Rudd took over as leader of the Opposition.

What’s their game in all this breathless reporting about the fact that the electorate seems to have made a firm decision based on two big factors — WorkChoices and the leadership alternative — and have in effect returned to their fairly long-standing national tradition of being a socially conservative social democratic nation?

One can only conclude that the constant poll-teasing is a last desperate strategy to actually try and convince the electorate themselves that they are more volatile than they in fact are. Is it an attempt to try and train them to be more responsive to poll triggers, which they stunningly refuse to do?

It can’t simply be that they think this is news. Come on. This is News.