New South Wales:

July 27, 2005 – Former New South Wales Premier Bob Carr announces his resignation after 10 years in the job. He said that he and his wife had decided his time had come to move on:

“There is never a perfect time in these things but we’ve decided the time has come and so today I announce my retirement as Premier and Member for Maroubra.”

His deputy leader Andrew Refshauge also resigns. Former state Minister for Health Morris Iemma is sworn in as the new Premier in August, and goes on to win the 2007 NSW state election.

Western Australia:

January 16, 2006 – Former Premier of Western Australia Georffrey Gallop resigns from Parliament to focus on recovering from depression:

“My doctors advised me that with treatment, time and rest this illness is very curable, however, I cannot be certain how long I will need.”
“So in the interests of my health and my family I have decided to rethink my career.”

Former Minister for State Development and Minister for Energy Alan Carpenter takes office later that month, and remains Premier to date.


July 27, 2007 – Former Victorian Premier Steve Bracks announces his resignation after eight years in the job, citing family reasons after his son Nick was involved in a drink driving accident:

“I’m sure you’ll ask me about the events of recent weeks and the part they played in reaching this decision. The truth is they did, but only in confirming my course, not in setting it.”

Deputy leader John Thwaites resigns on the same day. Former state Treasurer John Brumby is sworn in as the new Premier three days later, and remains Premier of Victoria.


September 10, 2007 – Queensland Premier Peter Beattie resigns from Parliament, effective on Thursday, after nine years as state Labor leader:

“It’s time for renewal. You get to a stage in your life when you get over it and I’m well and truly over it.”
“My only great regret about politics is not being with my family a lot more.”

Deputy leader Anna Bligh is the frontrunner to replace him. She would become Queensland’s first woman premier.