If evidence was needed that Kevin Rudd is not taking victory for granted the last few days provided it. Mr Rudd could not give an answer off pat about who would be Treasurer in a Labor Government because he had not really thought about it.

When asked about it by a journalist he wanted to avoid putting his deputy Julia Gillard offside because the deputy normally has the choice of job. A man whose thoughts really were on governing rather than just winning would have cleared a matter like that up long ago.

Overnight the thinking was done and the discussion with Ms Gillard held and the only possible conclusion reached – Wayne Swan would be at the Treasury with Ms Gillard in charge, as expected, of industrial relations. For good measure the shadow Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner was also elevated in to the ranks of the favoured few whose future job is assured if victory does come.

Prime Minister John Howard and Treasurer Peter Costello thought the Rudd hesitation was a god send for a few hours but on reflection will realise otherwise. Their main achievement was to turn attention back on to their own messy succession plans.