Tea for Kev. This morning’s kmail has some top Aussie hints for raising funds for KEV07. We’re not sure how donors will get the beer to Kev’s office though…

All things to all people. My fellow Victorians? Victorians? Here’s hoping Kevin Rudd begins his education revolution with geography.


 School sux for politicians: Principals have been forbidden from inviting federal MPs onto school property for any reason, while a ban has been placed on uttering candidate names in speeches, reports The Courier Mail. The lengthy list of rules was sent to all schools late last week by Qld Education Minister Rod Welford’s office in anticipation of his federal counterpart Julie Bishop arriving this week for a series of announcements. While federal MPs and ministers will be allowed access to schools, they must personally seek approval either from Mr Welford’s office or through Education Queensland. But the paper reports that laws have been relaxed for Maxine McKew and Kevin Rudd. Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has also been allowed on to school grounds repeatedly to donate his “Rudd bikes”. But Member for Ryan Michael Johnson recently complained after being banned from presenting a brushcutter and low-emission mower to a school in his electorate. A horse of course: Meanwhile, ABC Brisbane’s Madonna King was asking the hard questions yesterday, speaking to Federal Education Minister Julie Bishop and Federal Opposition education spokesman Stephen Smith. King asked them to describe what kind of horse they would be if they were a horse running in the Melbourne Cup. Bishop said she would be a stayer and a strong finisher. Smith said his mother’s favourite Melbourne Cup horses was Even Stevens. The nutritional benefits of ear wax: Crikey reader Chris Hill on the Opposition Leader dining on his own ear lining — “…I’ve done some research (albeit on the internet) of what the nutritional value of ear wax is. I can report that it consists of: Cholesterol and cholesterol esters: 32.5%; Fatty acids: 22.7%; Ceramides: 18.6%l; Squalene: 6.4%; Triacylglycerols: 3.0%. Definitely no heart tick from the Heart Foundation! I’m no nutritionist, but with over half the content with either cholesterol or fatty acids, I’d suggest that Kevin’s ear wax fetish may be bad for his already dodgy heart! Unless of Kevin is secretly a cat of course. They can’t seem to get enough of it: here, here and here.”