It has been a long time coming but at last there seems to be some interest in this election race. This morning’s survey of internet news sites shows a significant number of political stories actually being read.

With the exception of the debate early on in the campaign, the public has treated media coverage of the election with disinterest. The more the politicians talked, the less politics featured in the best read lists. The low point was yesterday when election news was just 6% of the 50 stories in the Crikey analysis.

But, perhaps surprisingly, this morning shows a revival of interest.  

The Coalition will be hoping that the trend continues. The government has been gambling that its sound record as an economic manager will be remembered when voters finally get around to thinking seriously about their vote.

Perhaps the serious thought is now beginning:

Sydney Morning Herald

  1. O Sister, where art thou?
  2. Police swoop on ‘hacker of the year’
  3. One week left to save PM’s political skin
  4. Abbott stands by workplace comments
  5. Winehouse booed after ‘atrocious’ tour debut

The Age

  1. Rort claims: PM looking down the barrel
  2. Warne’s spin has Murali turning every which way
  3. Poll creep not enough to save PM
  4. Forlorn Lorne seeks answers to low-season blues
  5. Sins of the past catch up with Coalition

The Australian

  1. Imran thrown into Lahore jail
  2. Bishop to steer subjects
  3. Coalition accused of abusing grants
  4. Union boss warns of split from…
  5. Abbott concedes protections gone


  • If you don’t like your job, quit: Abbott
  • Archer resigns from ALP
  • Downer swipes at ‘show-off’ Rudd
  • Rudd denies last-minute policy revamp
  • Labor holding onto lead in latest poll

The West Australian

  1. Passengers booed airport staff who went to woman’s aid
  2. US police to reveal next week if Cousins will be charged
  3. Husband shoots wife, lawyer dead in courtroom
  4. Unionists to confront Woolies over toilet paper
  5. Arnott’s caught out on fruit content

Sydney Telegraph

  1. Falzon’s nude magazine shoot
  2. Toilet tryst picture
  3. No Kremer in Girds’ coffee
  4. The Right Brain vs Left Brain
  5. Sydney couple kept sex slaves

Melbourne Herald Sun

  1. Right Brain v Left Brain
  2. Nixon ‘We are not at war’
  3. Abbott slams Labor’s ‘dirty tricks’
  4. Breakfast duo axed
  5. 120 US war veteran suicides a week


  1. Santa ho,ho,ho gets heave-ho
  2. Cousins tip for Power in 2009
  3. Protection for Cornes
  4. Pyne on the brink
  5. Power dumps superboot’s return

Courier Mail

  1. Booing as woman dies in queue
  2. Driver killed in highway blast
  3. Toddler’s mum slams state
  4. Woman, daughter stabbed
  5. Bligh’s secret papers

  1. Children still breastfed at seven
  2. Swimming hero Huegill tells of…
  3. Booing as woman dies in queue
  4. Teacher admits lesbian sex with…
  5. Miner makes a billion in a day