Just when you think that things could not get worse along comes a report from the Auditor General exposing the rorts being used to try and buy votes. That was something the Coalition campaign team definitely did not need.

Not that in itself the details of the Coalition Gravy Train are so damaging. People did not need the custodian of the public purse to tell them that John Howard and company are in the vote buying business. What the release of the report has done is divert the Coalition from talking about its latest lot of electoral bribes.

With the Government forced into defensive mode, Labor had another good day on the campaign trail yesterday and looks well on the way to another clear win today as well.

This is going to be a very severe test for the underdog theory!

Coalition ALP
Television 0.82 2.40
Newspapers 0.20 0.61
Radio 0.15 0.49
Internet 0.00 0.49
TOTAL 1.18 4.00

You will find details of the way the Daily Verdict is compiled, with the help of raw material provided by our friends at Media Monitors, on the Crikey website.