I would really like to let Crikey know anonymously that the Rural Press/Fairfax merger has indeed been a disaster, with Rural Press shareholders losing out on a flagging Fairfax media shareprice, and the benefits of Fairfax award provisions such as a week’s paid paternity leave, not being enjoyed by Rural Press staff.

Also, see the rather patronising message below from the boss David Kirk. He sent this to everyone via email during the week. His message is a bit rich given he seemed a little “happy” at the editor’s conference dinner last month while he waxed lyrical about he good a rugby player, political advisor – and would you believe – writer he was:


With the Christmas party season underway , I wanted to reiterate my message from last year regarding the standards of behaviour expected of Fairfax Media employees at Fairfax-related functions, including conferences and social activities, whether clients are present or not.

The behaviour of employees in any circumstances that identify them with Fairfax Media reflects not just on individuals but on the reputation of the company. Accordingly the standards we expect in the workplace are required to be carried over to social functions. Harassment of any kind is totally unacceptable, as is behaviour that is likely to be offensive or inconsiderate of other Fairfax Media employees or members of the public.

Managers must at all times ensure that the safety and enjoyment of all the members of their group is the first priority. This includes ensuring appropriate arrangements are made for safe travel, both to and from venues; that venues are not over-crowded or lacking adequate ventilation and exits and that behaviour is at all times controlled, courteous and professional.

Excessive alcohol consumption is often the cause of inappropriate behaviour that is later much regretted. Peer support is often the best way to manage this situation and I ask each of you to look out for your friends and work colleagues and help them if necessary by taking the initiative to tell them to slow down or take a break or help them get home safely.

Misbehaviour at any Fairfax related function will not be tolerated and managers as well as those behaving inappropriately will be held accountable.

This is an issue which goes to the heart of the values we have at Fairfax Media and reflects the heritage and brand that that has been built over more than 175 years.

Thank you for your support. I want everyone to have a happy and safe Christmas season.


David Kirk

Chief Executive Officer