The reputations of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Environment Minister Peter Garrett are facing an environmental crisis. No, it is nothing to do with global warming and the two years of intriguing international negotiations to come.

The good reputation of this nation’s leaders depends on them continuing to adopt the policies of the departed John Howard one more time. Providing funding of $500,000 in 2007/08 to the Australian Orangutan Project (AOP) to continue the valuable work of the orangutan protection units as promised by Mr Howard will determine whether Messrs Rudd and Garrett are decent men or heartless cads.

Take a look at that photo. What a thing of beauty.

Surely Greg Terrill, the assistant secretary of the Heritage Strategy Branch in Mr Garrett’s department, was broken hearted at having to send an email to an 11 year old Sydney boy with cerebral palsy taking away what Mr Howard had promised.

The minister’s decision to provide new funding to support the work of the orang-utan protection units was made during the caretaker period and is considered by the department to be an election commitment.

What a cold and bureaucratic thing to say! It is hard to believe that Mr Garrett approved but in this new age of Prime Minister Rudd’s restored ministerial responsibility the buck must stop with him.

Daniel Clarke of Terrey Hills had lobbied the then Prime Minister to assist in preserving the great apes of Indonesia when they met by chance in the dressing room of the Australian rugby union team back in May. Mr Howard stored the encounter away and midway through the recent campaign met young Daniel again to give him the good news that his entreaties had been successful.

Now Daniel’s father has the unenviable job of explaining that promises from a Prime Minister are not promises at all. The Sunday Telegraph reported:

“The prime minister looked into my son’s eyes and made him a promise,” he said.

“Daniel had worked so hard and faithfully to make a difference and at no time did the prime minister indicate that this commitment would be an election promise.

“My wife and I raise our children on values in which your word is your bond, which made it particularly difficult for us to explain the prime minister’s actions to Daniel.”