Paul Cutler, the director SBS News and Current Affairs Department has been seen at Aljazeera in Doha, Qatar. It seems he’s front runner for the top job in Aljazeera’s bureau in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It appears he will just close the door on the mess he made of SBS News and walk away into the warm tropical night.

Speaking to a Catholic priest over Christmas who is furious about World Youth Day. If you are not a pilgrim (ie, you haven’t paid $350) you will not be able to see the Pope’s mass at Randwick. Instead you will go to the live site at Centennial Park where you can watch him on the big screen. I cannot see too many elderly parishioners forking out those dollars to see Benedict! Especially those who have seen the previous papal masses for free at Randwick.

One day could you do a story on how Internet Access in schools is more about censoring it than making it available. In Qld I work as a Network Admin and the Qld Ed filter N2H2 is outsourced and full of American ideology. There is a good chance Qld Ed will do ‘Extra Net’ it’s own version not ‘The Internet’. Filtering is censorship by any other name.  

Britney Spears will be holidaying in Sydney for New Year and will also be going to Fraser Island and Surfers Paradise Versace hotel.