Look who’s hanging out in Hollywood?! ABC Learning Centres boss Eddy Groves is pictured in the background of this paparazzi shot in LA. 

Check page 14 of this month’s AFR Smart Investor. Yes, they recommended Centro Retail Trust!

In Smart Investor Jan 2008 under the title of “Holding all the aces”, it compares various funds and would you believe it it recommends Platinum which due to its exposure to Japan has underperformed.

Trish Williams, wife of former Brisbane City Councillor, Robbie Williams, who died suddenly before Christmas, has thrown her hat in the ring to contest the redistributed Council seat of Wishart. Decision by the ALP will be made on Tuesday 15 January as to who is to represent Labor for the seat at the Council election in March. At least one other person is thought to have nominated to run for Labor in Wishart at this stage.

The most senior management (the top three) at the Department of Immigration are now affectionately know as Dementors (as per Harry Potter), ie. they suck the joy and warmth from wherever they go. But what do they do with it?