Kenya in crisis day 26: fresh violence. There is fresh violence being reported in Nairobi … This is on the heels of fresh violence in other parts of Kenya (this one in Kipkelion) …and homes being burnt in Kemeloi … …and also a confrontation between protestors and police that killed another person in Narok … Meanwhile, there are now reports that claim the violence wasn’t spontaneous but rather pre planned … If these reports prove accurate, then it is more evidence that the situation is on the brink of being critical. If the violence was pre determined then they are likely organized. If they are organized, then it is likely the group with the most muscle will wind up with the power. — The Provocateur

Citizen reporting from Kenya. offers a simple, clean, visual map and gives people on the streets the ability to report from their cellphones on current conditions. It’s a beautiful idea with broad applications for many kinds of geographically specific stories, from traffic updates in U.S. cities to election polling place information and crisis conditions in natural disasters. — Global Vue

The US role in Kenya’s troubles. Last April, in an interview with the independent syndicated news program Democracy Now discussing the events taking place to Kenya’s north in Somalia, of which the former nation was very much involved, Kenyan Daily Nation columnist Salim Lone stated that “one leading opposition … candidate in Kenya, said that the US has promised to support the government in the elections at the end of this year in exchange for the terrible things it has been doing” as a favored partner nation in the so-called global war on terror (GWOT). — Moon of Alabama

A thief will never accept he’s a thief. Koffi Annan is expected in Kenya on Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008 to spearhead a negotiations between Kibaki and Raila. The country has already seen several high profile personalities … come into the country with the hope that they might help resolve the impasse between the leaders, but in vain. The previous efforts have been a laughing stock for all, as Kenya Government officials issue ridiculous statements in the presence of the guests to local and international media houses aimed at ridiculing the mediation efforts. That having been the case, what will the up-coming effort by Koffi Annan achieve? Kibaki and his cronies are not going to hand over the presidency to Raila and ODM. They know they are illegally in office and as we all know a thief will never accept he is a thief much less return property that he has stolen. — Joluo’s Weblog

No more “Hakuna Matata”. The TV shows the familiar red murram roads, the corrugated iron roofs and whitewashed mud walls, the banana plantations, the distant misty hills, the overarching vastness of the blue sky. And the people, talking magnificent Luo English, explaining their bewilderment, their grief and their fury that their neighbors have turned upon them, used their pangas to slash throats instead of maize. — The Red Electric

Should I go to Kenya? I’ve been invited to a festival in Kenya next month and am concerned about my level of safety given the current political unrest. I would be staying in Nairobi for one night before being driven 300 km north to the festival grounds. I’d stay there a week and then heading back to fly out of Nairobi. It’s a great opportunity however my government’s travel report for Kenya is pretty alarming. Any advice? — Ask Metafilter