I will be heading to the 2020 Summit with at least one suggestion certain to raise the ire of many of the powerbrokers in health: it is well past time that Australian taxpayers stopped paying for medical treatments that don’t work or are of only marginal benefit.
The Medical Benefits Schedule should be reviewed so that ineffective interventions can be removed from the list of treatments receiving government subsidy.
Off the top of my head I can think of several treatments whose public funding should be reviewed:
- Look at the number of hospital bed days taken up by patients with back pain – there is no evidence that bed rest helps, in fact it harms!
- There are so many arthroscopies carried out, when their benefit in the treatment of knee conditions is doubtful in many cases.
- Look at the funding that goes on spinal surgery when very few outcome studies show any benefit of surgery for chronic back pain.
- And what about the funding of vertebraplasty (operations in which cement is injected into fractured vertebra), even though appropriate studies have not been carried out in this country and those from overseas were inconclusive to say the least.
The government committee charged with looking at the appropriateness of funding devices is prevented by legislation from reviewing old devices and can only look at new ones.
We continue to fund from the public purse a number of procedures for which there is little or no evidence for efficacy. Should not the MBS be reviewed in much the same way as the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee recommends funding of drugs on the basis of efficacy and cost effectiveness /benefit – a big task but an important one if we espouse the principles of evidence- based medicine?
I suspect that if the renumeration for what I still consider to be the best investigation in medicine – taking a good history and performing a thorough physical examination (now reimbursed at approx $100) – versus performing an endoscopy (reimbursed at $400-$600) was reversed, it would lead to significant behavioural change in health practitioners. And we would end up with better outcomes for patients.
Similarly, remuneration should be reviewed when operations get easier and quicker to perform (such as cataract surgery) at the same time as increasing demand due to ageing of the population. If the normal laws of supply and demand were allowed to prevail, the costs might come down.
There are many ways we can improve the health system, by making it more efficient and accountable, without always asking for more money.
If the Government, the professions and the community really want a better health system, some of these tough questions must be asked, even though they present a major challenge to some of the most powerful groups in the system.
Dr Brooks is Executive Dean of Health Sciences at the University of Queensland.
Sound ideas but it’s not as if the PBAC is a perfect model. Look at Vioxx for example, which many of your colleagues prescribed by the bucketload despite it having less than marginal benefits over traditional and much cheaper anti-inflammatories. Medicare should insist on more robust and longer term evidence of superiority , not just equivalence, before subsidising expensive new treatments.
Although professor Brooks makes perfectly valid points, the problems in the delivery of medical services are far more deep seated. While medical science and technology continue to charge ahead, the basic attitudes and the structures they support languish in the 18th. Century when practitioners were entrepreneurial barbers and alchemists and when the idea that one has any sort of right to survive illness or injury was the jealously guarded preserve of the powerful and wealthy – who were heavily soaked for the privilege. While the various parts of the medical hierarchy will resist to the last squeal any attempt to drag them into the 21st. Century, things will not improve until that occurs. May have to be the 22nd. Century by then.
Could not agree more re back surgery. Though a few years ago I would not have believed my exercise programme would be so effective. Its taken years but has fix all my back problems except for an occasional niggle when I sit badly or when I do too much wipper snipping. I am soo glad I don’t have cement in the vertebra.
Sounds like somebody with a particular axe to grind…….eh Dr. Brooks?
Dr Brooks wrote a commendable article. I only hope he is allowed a hearing.
I have recently left general practice to become a palliative care consultant and I am not aware that palliative medicine will have any voice at the summit.
General Practice will be represented by a pharmacist!