The “Fat Bomb” report

The alleged fat bomb. I would rather like the report below to be true. It claims that Australians are extraordinarily fat. Since Australia has one of the world’s longest life expectancies, it would help to slay the myth that obesity is unhealthy. — A Western Heart

Did anyone actually read the report? The FAT BOMB authors… said that current data was not available to assess risk factors, diet and lifestyles, and health consequences. They excused the lack of supportive evidence for their report’s claims by making an incredible disclaimer in their opening. — Junkfood Science 

What is wrong with the west. Those calls for a triage on the basis of a patient’s personal habits (along with calls for the government to start meddling with them) will sound very familiar to regular readers here. Outright denial of services by individual physicians and similar proposals to expand the government have been heard from Britain recently. — Gus Van Horn 

Welcome to the club, Aussies. First, I would like to draw your attention to what seriously might be the single worst line I have ever seen in an article about obesity:
“Experts are now calling for extreme measures like gym discounting and denial of surgery based on body mass index (BMI) to rectify the situation.” Yes, folks, gym discounts are an “extreme measure” on a par with fucking refusing people surgery. I don’t even know what to say about that. — Shapely Prose