Some bemused smiles. There was much shaking of heads in wonderment throughout federal government departments this morning as public servants got around to reading the new Ministerial Staff Code of Conduct tabled in the Senate by the Special Minister of State John Faulkner. One aspect of the code in particular had the bureaucrats confused:
Acknowledge that ministerial staff do not have the power to direct APS employees in their own right and that APS employees are not subject to their direction.
The general attitude in many ministerial offices is to issue orders to departments at an extremely rapid rate demanding that they be attended to immediately as if the ministerial adviser was more important than the departmental head. And there is confusion too about what is meant by “treat with respect and courtesy all those with whom they have contact in the course of their employment” if midnight and 6am phone calls to a public servant’s home are considered to be acceptable behaviour by ministerial staff members.
Eventually, perhaps, Ministers will learn that letting their staff treat the code as nothing more than a formality is not conducive to the efficient operation of their portfolios.
Limiting the conversation. With the list of clients of the lobbying firm Government Relations Australia Advisory Pty Ltd (GRA) now on the Australian Government Lobbyists Register, it is clear that David Epstein, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s chief of staff, and his wife Sandra Eccles, who is GRA’s Canberra manager, will not be able to talk much about politics at all if conflicts of interest are to be avoided.
This client list covers a very diverse range of subject matter between them:
ABB Grain Ltd / Joe White Maltings, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Aust Pty Ltd, Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse, Alba Capital Partners, ALDI Stores, Allergan Australia Pty Ltd, Amgen Australia Pty Ltd, APN Outdoor, Australian Diabetes Council, Australian Recording Industry Association, Australian Wine Research Institute, Betfair Australia, BG Group, Bilfinger Berger Project Investments Pty Ltd, ASX Limited, Australian Business Arts Foundation, Bilfinger Berger Services (Aust) Pty Ltd, Bluescope Steel Limited, Booz Allen Hamilton, Broadcast Australia, Capital Airport Group, Chandler Macleod / CMY People, Citic Pacific Mining Management, Clemenger BBDO, Cobham Flight Operations & Services (Aust) / National Jet Systems, Crisis Support Services, Habitat for Humanity Australia, HBOS, ICANN, I-Med Network, ING Direct, iSelect, Loy Yang Power, Mackay Sugar, Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd, Merck Serono Australia Pty Ltd, Mercy Health & Aged Care Inc, MGM Wireless Holdings Ltd, Microsoft Corporation, Mirabel Foundation, Mitsubishi Motors Australia, Monash Energy, Navantia SA, Diabetes Australia (NSW), eBay Australia & New Zealand / Pay Pal, Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, Financial Planning Association, Fulton Hogan, Genetics Technology Group, Geodynamics Ltd, Goldman Sachs JBWere, Music Industry Piracy Investigations, National Ceramic Industries Australia, National Generators Forum, Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group, Onesteel, Palmary Enterprises, Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation, Phonographic Performance Company of Australia, PMI Mortgage Insurance, Screen Producers Association of Australia, Thiess Pty Ltd, Ultra Electronics Sonar & Communications System, United Utilities, Vegetable Industry Continuous Improvement Project, Watpac NSW, Elekta Pty Ltd, Cristal Global, Carnegie Mellon University, H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management Australia.
Deciding who does what in troubled times. The Federal Treasury and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority are finally getting around to deciding who does what in the event that Australia runs in to some really serious problems with its financial institutions.
The two organisations have just agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding as to who is in charge of what which says that an early priority “is the development of a co-ordinated policy in relation to the licensing of financial institutions and the regulation of ownership and control of financial institutions.”
It is amazing really that there is not one already but, says the MOU, “since the administrative responsibility for these is split between the Treasurer and APRA, and the Treasurer may delegate some of his powers in relation to shareholdings to APRA, these policies should be fully harmonised as soon as possible.”
Treasury is promising to keep APRA informed of issues and developments emerging from the Financial Sector Advisory Council, FSAC task forces or other financial sector fora. APRA promises to keep Treasury informed of developments in the financial system, and in domestic or international regulatory fora, that may have policy significance for Treasury or which may result in representations to the Treasurer.
In the event of financial distress in a regulated entity or financial instability generally, APRA and other regulatory agencies have responsibilities to keep the Treasurer informed. APRA will also advise the Treasury in these circumstances and keep it informed of other important developments in this area.
Richard Farmer’s “Pick of this Morning’s Political Coverage”, “The most read stories on Australian websites” and analysis on “Politics and economics on the international newspaper sites” are now available first thing every weekday morning on Crikey’s website.
So if you’re drowning in a sea of morning paper and too tired to trudge the web in search of the juiciest of the commentariat then Crikey is here to help with a daily serving of the best in Australian and International media.
Richard; In the ‘Crikey Guide to the 2007 Federal Election” I read that there are four lobbyists for every one member of parliament and that 150 lobby groups had a combined budget of $713.793,364 million dollars, an average of $6.26 million for the 114 groups that made the figures available to the public”. I don’t know if there are more lobbyists, lobbying the present government as opposed to the Howard government, and their lobbyists-perhaps they are the same lobbyists, I don’t know-However it’s an obscene amount of money. And my real question is, ‘how can the ordinary voter expect his or her government to act in their interests, when these people, and their concomitant businesses , the Catholic Church’s, and all other interest groups have buckets of money to throw at a government?’ How can I, the average voter, go into a polling booth knowing that I have helped to vote the Labor Party, Liberals, The Bushwackers , or the Catholic Church into power (via the laughingly referred to ‘Independent ‘ Brian Harradine ) who did deals with the Howard government whereby he was able to ram his rotten religious views onto the electorate in exchange for a vote, in the Senate, to support the passage of the Telstra bill? When it is the lobbyists who have the real power? Or, in the immortal words of Neville Wran when faced by some form of idealism in his party said, “Delegates, it’s all very well to go on with all this spiritual stuff, but if those greedy basta*ds out there wanted spiritualism they’d join the f*cking Hari Krishnas.’ The delegates promptly saluted and shut the f*ck up. This little gem (thanks Mungo) showed that the electorate is regarded as little more than a nuisance value. So what chance does
the voter have?