The war on words over energy policy heats up.

All pro-drilling now? Until recently, Obama was adamantly against offshore drilling and tapping the SPR. Why the shift? Because voters are longing for relief from $4 gas and he thinks his new views will win them over. So much for principles. — New York Post

Obama hits back on energy – “They’re lying about what my energy plan is,” he says. And “they’re making fun of a step that every expert says would reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent. It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.” — Politico

A guide to 5 key campaign flip flops – The Strategic Petroleum Reserve, offshore drilling, public  campaign financing, the Bush tax cuts and FISA. — Politico

Why is the race so close? Yesterday we reported that McCain had clawed back 9 points in the polls to be neck and neck with Obama. Today the Atlantic looks at why the race is so close. — The Atlantic

The complicated reality of Iraq – Everyone has been wrong about it at some point. There is a hierarchy of wrongitude, with those who favored the war in the first place, and continue to think it was a good idea, and want to establish permanent bases there–the Krauthammer school–being wrongest. — Swampland

A dose of voter reality – Gallup poll finds 35% of voters can’t identify which party their Congressman belongs to. — Daily Kos