It seems that the Labor Party is now the party of the developer. Or at least the stooge for the developer in Ashfield.

Yesterday (Sunday) the new unknown Ashfield Council ALP candidate Alex Lofts held a “public meeting” to discuss the development of a massive two hectare site, The Summer Hill Mills with Executive Chairman of EG Property, Michael Easson. The room was adorned with ALP posters and even a photo of Kevin Rudd.

This is a very sensitive (and massive) development as it could threaten the local amenity of the Summer Hill neighbourhood that prides itself on its village atmosphere.

Sitting Labor Councillor Ray Jones was there to praise the developer and his work as was Alex Lofts the new Labor candidate for this election.

The expensively produced pamphlet reads:


A Community Forum hosted by Summer Hill ALP

An opportunity for residents to give their views to the new owners of the mill site on Edward Street.

Michael Easson, Executive chairman, EG Property
Dr Susan Thompson, Summer Hill Resident and urban planner

Sunday August 17, 2.30pm
Summer Hill Community Centre, 131 Smith Street

Children welcome.

Looks innoxious enough but it was an unusual move for a candidate to be directly associated with a developer. However when they are as powerful as Easson there’s not much to lose and lots to gain in campaign support.

Michael Easson was the secretary of the Labor Council of NSW 89-94 and is still a member of the Labor Party. He was also Vice President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions and Senior Vice President of the Australian Labor Party (New South Wales Branch).

Nothing was mentioned at the “Public Meeting” about Easson’s association with the Labor Party.

So it now the job of the NSW Labor Party to support developers?