At the ABC, in a week where a batch of redundancies were announced, management proves that it’s pulling it weight with a bit of “value” adding…

From: Mark Scott
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 3:22:28 PM
Subject: Launch of ABC Values staff consultation process

Dear Colleagues,

I’d like to inform you of a new and exciting initiative that is currently underway to identify and implement a new set of workplace values within the ABC. This initiative is designed to update the current values, developed in 2000, with a set of 4 or 5 values which reflect both the inherent and aspirational values of the ABC. Each value would be communicated with a short phrase to explain the meaning. Our ABC values need to:

  1. Reference ethical behaviour
  2. Reflect the positive aspects of the existing ABC culture
  3. Resonate with staff who are proud to work for the ABC
  4. Be enduring — have a link to the past, present and future aspirations of the ABC
  5. Be memorable — to assist easy recall

Once the new values are in place, they will be proactively used to support a workplace culture where people can do their best work. Initial work by the People & Learning Values project team has shortlisted 10 values for wider consideration. These 10 values are:

  1. Respect
  2. Trust
  3. Integrity
  4. Cooperation
  5. Distinctiveness
  6. Innovation or Creativity
  7. Independence
  8. Resourcefulness
  9. Commitment
  10. Honesty

There will be a period of consultation between 7 October and 7 November seeking your feedback in relation to both the meaning of the above values and which values should form part of the final set. The consultation process is also designed to enable you to suggest other values for inclusion in the final set. Given the importance of this project to all staff I’d encourage everyone to be involved in the consultation process, be that via one of the many focus groups which will be run in your state/territory or via the online Wiki available at

Your State/Territory Director will email you shortly with details of the focus groups to be held in your location.
