Obama’s win was captured in many different moments across America and the world. Here are just a few snapshots:


The big kahuna. Did you miss Obama’s victory speech? Only catch the soundbites on the news? Watch it in full here.

Sarah Palin admits her part in John McCain’s downfall — via Gawker

More videos:

  • Obama win causes obsessive supporters to realise how empty their lives are. — The Onion says it best.
  • Election Day in 100 seconds — from Talking Points Memo
  • Obama wins: Stephen Colbert cries. — from Indecision 2008
  • Obama wins: Oprah screams for joy. — Huffington Post
  • Obama wins: Ralph Nader asks whether Obama will be Uncle Sam or “Uncle Tom”. There’s always one. Via Hot Air.


Official photo collections:

Personal collections:

Informal photos are popping up like mushrooms on Flickr. Like this set from jdebner, snapping from Pittsburgh. It looks like scenes from the end of a war (well that or a Jerome Robbins musical).

Crowd scenes from New York — and, more specifically, Harlem — are collated by Gothamist.

Kay Steiger snapped one guy in Washington whose car got the Obama treatment.

Illustrator Patrick Moberg’s picture, meanwhile, is telling a thousand words — as it laps the globe today.