Less than three weeks after the United States voted for change, the first anniversary of Kevin Rudd’s election has reminded us how little change we have had in Australia. Apart from a few largely symbolic measures, it is hard to point to any major differences in governing between Labor and the Coalition. The car industry bailout is just the latest example of their dreary sameness.
Of course, Barack Obama still has plenty of time in which to disappoint his supporters as well: indeed, given the weight of expectations, it’s inevitable he will disappoint some of them. Nonetheless, both in his policy positions and simply by who he is, Obama represents genuine change in a way that Rudd never could.
While Rudd last year tried to minimise the policy differences between government and opposition, Obama explicitly repudiated the central positions of the Bush administration. And whereas Obama’s race and personal history put him outside the usual political establishment, Rudd, an Anglo white male, is the bureaucrat from central casting, steeped in the traditions of Australia’s governing class.
Australia did have an opportunity for change, but it came three years earlier, in the shape of Mark Latham. Latham, unlike Rudd, eschewed the small-target strategy and aggressively differentiated himself from the Howard government, especially over the Iraq war. Like Obama, but unlike Rudd, he took novel and sometimes controversial positions that tried to bridge the left-right divide.
Nothing in Australia compares to the racial issue in America, but Latham, the boy from Green Valley, was as much of an outsider as we have been offered for a long time. And the electorate decided it was too much, giving us a further three years of John Howard instead.
At this point, Peter Brent and Bernard Keane (if they’re still reading) will leap in to tell me that Latham’s failure was due to his own flaws. (Brent compares him to Sarah Palin, not Obama.) No doubt there is some truth in this; certainly he didn’t have Obama’s degree of self-control (then again, not many people do).
But I think the primary reason America got the change that we didn’t is simply one of timing. The Democrats tried the small-target strategy first: John Kerry was their Kevin Rudd, running as Bush-lite. He lost, at the same time as Latham, and for much the same reason — the government had not had time to sufficiently discredit itself. Iraq had not yet gone pear-shaped, September 11 was still a recent memory, and the impetus for change was not yet strong enough.
Labor, having tried the radical option, fell back on conservatism for next time; the Democrats went the other way. Oddly enough, both strategies worked — not through their intrinsic merits, but because the arrogance and incompetence of the other side had had time to run its full course.
Oppositions don’t win elections, governments lose them. The real question for the 2010 election is whether Labour can present itself as having successfully handled the economic downturn. The jury is of course still out.
All this is based on an assumption that Obama is some great left-leaning saviour… It’s not true. Not a lot will change for Americans… they (Obama’s government) will still be involved in numerous messy conflicts overseas and will continue to support big business over people.
I’m no fan of Rudd but God help us if we’d ended up with Latham as a Prime Minister, which never would have happened.)
Latham is probably best compared to McCain for numerous reasons that are hopefully obvious, not least of which being an uncontrollable temper.
Naomi Klein has a take on this, as per Democracy Now! show with Amy Goodman interview: Obama really took McCain when the GFC took hold about 2 weeks out. The economic threat finished McCain’s chances. If that’s true then timing really did completely neutralise ‘skin deep’ concerns. A very smart guy who is not the incumbent mob will do every time.
Klein then extrapolates with some resonance that for this reason of the GFC Obama should not buy any of the business as usual bailout bullsh*t for big banks, for Bush’s friends via the lame Bush regime in the last 2 months. That is no bailout for shareholders, no bailout for senior exec contracts.
Klein says Obama should direct bailout money to mortgagees, and mainstreet and like Gordon Brown take 12% equity stakes in various financiers with their begging bowls along with any damn ruthless regulation on these frauds that he wants. That’s the change voters agreed to, so she argues, and it rings pretty true.
She refers in particular to a banker’s law firm on Wall St that brokered alot of the bailout for the Bush White House. Conflict of interest writ large.
This article is so full of contradictions, it is meaningless