How did an undergraduate peacenik morph into a spokesman for the Israeli army?
The Guy Spigelman I remember was a long-haired hippie-type affiliated with the Labor Students Club (controlled by the Socialist Left faction) and was elected to the Macquarie University Students’ Council on a ticket entitled “Students Against Racism”, his number two being a female student of Jordanian background.
Though active in the Macquarie Uni branch of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS), Spigelman was despised by Jewish members of the Liberal Club who saw him as too wishy-washy and too pro-Arab. Spigelman actively sought dialogue with students of Palestinian background.
In 1992, well before the Oslo accords and at a time when Palestinians were still regarded as a nation of terrorists, at a debate organised by AUJS on the topic of whether Israel should withdraw from the West Bank (or as some rightwing AUJS apparatchiks called it, “Judea and Samaria”) and Gaza, Spigelman supported Israeli withdrawal. Admittedly the reasons he used were more to do with Israeli security (he argued that a survey of retired Israeli generals showed most believe that holding onto the territories didn’t palpably increase Israel’s security) than with any right of Palestinians to a homeland. But he did hack into one Jewish student who made some racist remarks suggesting Arabs were inherently irrational and violent.
A 2006 post on Spigelman’s Australian Jewish News blog speculates on the factors that might affect support for Israel in Australia:
Another scenario — and this has been identified by polling undertaken in Europe — is that the world is becoming increasingly concerned with Islamic Fundamentalism and terrorism — and while there is no great love for Israel, there is less love for the Arabs.
This should not provide us with much comfort. We should not rely on the problems the other side has in order to better our position.
The other side? Maybe Spigelman wasn’t as inclusive and ecumenical in his thinking as I may have thought. Still, Spigelman does have some good advice on how supporters of Israel can help their cause:
…I believe the best advocacy is one that is vigilant in engaging all sectors of the society – from the left to the right – combined with encouragement (and not stifling) of informed debate – including criticism when it is warranted.
It’s advice ignored by Israel’s own ambassador in The Age today.
LittleJimmyCoward: as I’ve said before, every time you offer your delusional Zionist analysis, it shows
the reader’s why they should support HAMAS…keep up the good work…dimwit
Check the Hijab page. I think there has been a misunderstanding.
Hamas won’t let Israel live in peace. We all know that, don’t we? Hamas wants child-martyrs, Hamas wants war, and Hamas wants the Jews of Israel either dead, or “back in Europe”, where they came from.
Difficult to have a “two state solution” with a state you are sworn to annihilate and a state you refuse to recognise her right to exist
But Kevboy “The Loon” Herbert says ” HAMAS has repeatedly said that it will recognise a two state solution provided Israel leaves both Gaza & the West Bank”.
Israel already did and Hamas didn’t
Promise to publish the Israeli Embassy’s response to your latest “diplomatically’ phrased letter Kevboy?
Oh and watch out for those airborne pigs Kevboy…
Kevin Herbert:
One only has to review Hamas’ own words to understand that they are radical islamists, not Palestinian nationalists, and that they are not concerned with reaching a solution to the Israel/Palestine dispute. They are not interested in a two state solution, the only possible means of settling the matter.
To demand of either side what they cannot agree to condemns both peoples to continuing war.
The fact that Hamas was democratically elected is of no interest to me. Many democratically elected governments have done unforgiveable things. Hamas does such things, not only to Israel, but to their own people. They are truly medieval oppressors. Their seizure of power in Gaza was neither democratic nor a product of popular support.
They have, in their own words, carried out continual military attacks on Israel and brought the situation to its current tragic state.
The only solution is two states, Jerusalem as a shared capital. No other possibility exists that can be accepted by both sides. Hamas will never cooperate in bringing this about.