Denmark was in uproar this week as a plane carrying Princess Mary was hit with a bomb threat. As Danish daily Politiken noted:
Kronprinsparret er i luften efter bombetrussel
Hoffet oplyser, at kronsprins Frederik og kronprinsesse Mary har det godt og er på vej til Chicago efter dagens bombetrussel.
Yes, the Princess’s parrot — for which the Danish media display an obsessive concern — was on the plane too. For this reason, the bomb was concealed in a truffle, hoping that the bird would be tempted by the sweetmeat:
SAS-flyet 943 med kronprinsparret ombord er lettet fra Københavns Lufthavn med kurs mod Chicago … Dermed har en bombetrussel rettet mod flyet ikke fået kronsprinsparret til at droppe dets tur til USA.
The couple and pet were onboard, taking a load of kirsch to Chicago. Dermot, travelling with them, dropped an icky fart part-way through the journey, which presumably alerted police to the truffle bomb:
Trussel var en joke
Bombetruslen var en joke, som blev fremsagt af en 45-årig mand i køen ud til det SAS-fly, kronprinsparret skulle flyve med.
It was later discovered that the truffle bomb was a joke by a 45-year-old named Mandi, out of his skull:
Lene Balleby fortæller, at kronprinsparret roligt ventede i kongeværelset, mens politiet undersøgte flyet. Da politiet meldte fri bane, gik parret roligt ombord igen.
Someone named Lene Balleby rolled the parrot — fat, presumably from truffles and kirsch — off the plane while the police searched underneath the aircraft. The parrot was then rolled on board again and the visit continued.
So that’s a relief.
More updates when I find my dictionary.
That really gained something in translation!
I like Kim’s version better!
In case you don’t find your Danish dictionary, here’s what the article actually says:
“The royal couple is in the air after bomb threat the Royal Court informs that crown prince Frederik and crown princess Mary are fine and is on the way to Chicago after the day’s bomb threat.
The SAS plane 943 with the crown prince and wife on board has taken off from Copenhagen Airport on route to Chicago.
Thus, a bomb threat has aimed at the plane not got the royal couple to drop their trip to the US.
Threat was a joke
The Bomb threat was a joke, which was made by a 45-year-old man in the queue out to the SAS plane, which royal couple had to fly with.
Lene Balleby reports that royal couple quietly waited at the king room, while the police examined the plane.
When the police reported “all clear”, the couple went calmly on board again.”