No surprise that volumes overall were down almost 50% over the Easter break, but Stephen Conroy remained interestingly low given the big issue of the period was the NBN, with the PM taking most of the running, as PMs do. To Joe Public it’s the Ruddnet, not the Conroynet.

The breakdown of law in Fiji and order in Thailand pushed Stephen Smith up the list, but once again it was St Kevin giving the Commodore the biggest verbal — is this all a sinister and brilliant plot by deep cover ASIS operatives to prop up domestic tourism? Erm, doubtful, but I’m sure they’ve trained for it.

Barnaby races up the charts, loving fibre to the home. We’re sure they’ll be digging up the streets of St George to get you that 100Mbps any day now Senator.

TW Move Position Politician Press Index Radio Index TV Index Internet Index Raw total INDEX


0 PM Kevin Rudd 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 16,618 1,000


2 Opp Leader Malcolm Turnbull 292 392 287 259 4,901 308


3 Cabinet Julia Gillard 270 446 287 226 4,765 307


24 Cabinet Stephen Smith 234 381 286 169 3,944 268


-3 Cabinet Wayne Swan 266 249 179 315 4,611 252


1 Cabinet Joel Fitzgibbon 149 275 177 295 4,430 224


-4 Premier Nathan Rees 145 172 57 320 3,982 173


5 Cabinet Stephen Conroy 136 58 121 132 1,883 112


-4 Premier Anna Bligh 211 52 49 124 1,666 109


0 Premier John Brumby 120 130 59 58 1,278 92


-3 Cabinet Lindsay Tanner 116 30 86 85 1,231 79


10 Shadow Julie Bishop 45 106 128 36 1,101 79


2 NSW Opp Ld Barry O’Farrell 56 87 36 70 1,134 62


4 Cabinet Nicola Roxon 33 25 124 44 848 56


20 Backbench Barnaby Joyce 38 127 25 34 890 56


0 Minor Party Steve Fielding 30 62 66 34 749 48


0 Independent Nick Xenophon 27 66 36 56 899 46


5 Cabinet Anthony Albanese 66 80 13 15 523 43


7 Premier Mike Rann 51 44 26 33 585 38


1 Premier Colin Barnett 61 67 5 19 494 38

Predictably low volumes here too, but PM still more than four times the nearest.

Rank Politician Talkback
1 Kevin Rudd 184
2 Malcolm Turnbull 43
3 Julie Bishop 30
4 Wayne Swan 22
5 John Brumby 18

Continuing the trend of celebrities no longer getting away with murder. So the fast approaching time when we’re all famous means we’re all accountable again?

Press Radio TV Internet Total INDEX
Phil Spector 122 151 183 43 1,518 125

There’s more on the Media Monitors website.