Re. News Ltd papers going free. Already the Adelaide Advertiser is being distributed by contractors in competition with newsagents. They ring to see if you get the paper delivered and if not they sign you up and you get it via a non newsagent. You enquire about account at newsagent they tell you you’re getting yours by a contractor — the Advertiser will send you the bill.

Following the loss of Industrie, Myer is set to lose another major brand to DJs. Big household name very dissatisfied with the constant demands for financial rebates, unrealistic advertising support and ridiculous things like being “asked” to contribute to the cost of the recent Myer book, “Your Store Myer” by Stella Barber, which was full of praise for the new private equity owners, and paid for entirely by very unwilling suppliers. Sales at the very troubled retailer are down double digit this quarter. Government handouts yet to kick in at Myer.

If Leighton’s bought Nicholas Bolton’s BrisConnect votes, under the Corps Act they have a relevant interest in them. If over 5%, Leighton’s must lodge a substantial shareholder notice in two business days — I bet they don’t.

It’s all in the name. The Sunday Telegraph flicked Melissa Hoyer as the go to girl on its pages of “female interest” such as fashion, grooming etc in favour of Kate Waterhouse, daughter of Fine Cotton Robbie Waterhouse and horse trainer, Gai Waterhouse (nee Smith). But the Smellie then flicked Ms Waterhouse as a cost saving. So there’s a sense of incredulity that the rival Fairfax Sunday, The Sun Herald has gained Ms Waterhouse’s services. Is this another odd decision from the most powerful editorial brain at Fairfax, Phil McLean? He’s a former Sun Herald editor who is now Group Executive Editor of Fairfax. That alone is enough to send Fairfax journalists and the opposition into fits of laughter.