The Perth edition of A Current Affair (owned by WIN, not the Nine Network or PBL Media) has earned a bit of credibility the hard way. Senior reporter John Mort’s car was firebombed Sunday night in Perth after he had reported on the activities on bikie gangs in the city. News Ltd’s website Perth Now reported:

Mr Mort said he believed the attack could be linked to gang-related stories he has been working on.

“I was actually watching Crime Scene Investigation when my daughter came running in saying my car was on fire,” the A Current Affair reporter said.

“They have actually thrown two fire bombs through the back window, which they smashed.

“It could have just been a couple of passing hoons, but I doubt it.

“I have been doing some stories on the bikies and I’ve been doing some stories on crime figures.

“Basically, the gang crime squad is looking at this.”

The West Australian, controlled by Seven chairman Kerry Stokes, reported it as well. It”s always nice when a rival media group (Seven’s Today Tonight is more popular in Perth than ACA) reports on a news story involving a rival media group doing its job, even if it was very personal. The West Australian also reported on two bikies being shot overnight in Perth’s southern suburbs.